What is Pentecost, Anyway?

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a...

Coming Together, Before Going Out: Pentecost 2015

As we complete the Easter season and approach Pentecost, the Birthday of the Church, I always find it helpful to look at where we have been and where we are going. One of the things that inspires me about St. John’s is the way the ministry is a team effort from...

“Service in Progress”

Recently, St. John’s team of ushers and greeters gained a new recruit. This is really terrific. Really!  I love that people are finding ways to bless others and themselves through worship and service in the St. John’s community. It didn’t take long...

Sharing Lent with Friends

  As we journey toward Holy Week and our celebration of Easter, we have the opportunity to prepare our hearts together to receive God. I think that this togetherness is the most important part of Lent. When we come together, whether in person or for one of our...

2014 Outreach Basket Success

A big THANK YOU! to all who participated in our Christmas Basket Outreach! Eighty nine baskets full of food and other goodies were delivered on Dec. 22nd to Rosien Towers Senior Housing that is just a block away from St John’s. Many hands helped to sort, count,...

A Visit from the Bishop

A new year is upon us and at St. John’s we will be ushering it in with a visit from our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley, on Sunday January 11th. Being a part of an “episcopal” (or “bishop”) church, I find it helpful to reflect on the...

In Christ We Are Held Together

This month, as a parish, we continue through the season of Advent and prepare for the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. Our anticipation of Christ’s advent and our Christmas celebrations reminds us that our Lord’s physical presence on this earth is a gift from...

The Home Stretch | Christmas Outreach Baskets 2014

We’ve been getting ready since November and now we’re in the home stretch! Mark your calendars and plan to help pack our Christmas Outreach Baskets following each of the services on Sunday, December 21. We’ll also need some volunteers to help load...

2015 Stewardship Update

Our fall stewardship campaign is underway! This is the time of year when we take stock of our blessings and gifts and how we can give back to St. John’s. We have many blessings for which to be thankful. Our rector has been with us three years and our average...

2014 Christmas Outreach Basket Update

Here we are, in the “Advent” of our Christmas Outreach Basket project!  Five more Sunday’s to collect the contents until our delivery day on Monday, December 15th! That is an exciting morning at Rosien Towers, for residents who are part of our church...