The Rev. Daniel Cannon

Fr. Daniel preaches the Sunday Sermon.

In England there is a group within the Anglican Church called the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, commonly referred to as the SPCK.

According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, one of its founding goals is to “advance the honor of God and the good of mankind, by promoting Christian knowledge both at home and in other parts of the world by the best methods that should offer.” I believe that this society reminds us of one the very core values of our Anglican tradition—education. From the beginning, the Church in Britain and Ireland acted a preserver and steward of knowledge of both Church and the secular world. This deeply held value of education and especially Christian learning carried on through the centuries became the hallmark of the Church of England and the Episcopal Church in the Untied States of America. It has been said that our denomination is a thinking person’s church. But for that reputation to carry on, we have to continue to educate ourselves on our faith. This fall is a time for renewing our Christian knowledge as our Diocese will be gathering at St. John’s to receive new members in the Anglican Communion.

In September we will be starting our Episcopal 101 classes which are a great refresher for new members and old alike on topics unique to the Episcopal faith tradition including: Apostolic Succession, the Book of Common Prayer and the liturgy. We will also be offering classes for anyone who wants to be received into the Anglican Communion from another church denomination. In these ways we can all join in passing on the great tradition of our Church by being educated Christians who know why we believe what we believe. May Christ, the Son of God, inspire and teach us as we seek to follow in his footsteps.

Peace,Fr. Daniel